Statistic Value Statistic Value
Weight 100 Max Jumps 2
Run Speed 1.97 Wall Jump Yes
Walk Speed 1.1 Wall Cling No
Air Speed 1.1 Crawl No
Fall Speed 1.68 Tether No
Fast Fall Speed 2.688 Jumpsquat 4 frames
Air Acceleration 0.06 Soft Landing Lag 2 frames
Gravity 0.098 Hard Landing Lag 4 frames
SH Air Time 37 frames FH Air Time 53 frames

Limit Break - - -
Frames to Charge 400 Gained per Frame 0.25
% Dealt to Charge 250% % Taken to Charge 100%
Run Speed 2.167 Air Speed 1.32
Walk Speed 1.265 Fall Speed 1.848
Gravity 0.1078 Air Acceleration 0.072
SH Air Time 33 frames FH Air Time 47 frames

Ground Moves Hitbox Active FAF Base Dmg. (+SD) Angle BKB/WBKB KBG
Jab 1 4-5 30 2.5 60/82/82 42/42/28 24
Jab 2 5-6 33 2 65/35/55 33/33/28 25
Jab 3 6-7 38 3.5 30 75 50
Dash Attack 9-13 46 11 (+1) 60 100 60
Dash Attack (Late) 14-18 - 8 (+1) 65 100 50
Ftilt 9-10 36 11 361 20 100
Utilt 6-9 33 8 95 46 100
Dtilt 7-8 (Leg Intangibility: 7-17) 41 7/6 80 80 75
Dtilt (Late) 9-17 - 7 80 80 75
Fsmash (Hit 1) 19 64 3 60/170/0/180 B: 30 W: 25/10/10/10 30/100/100/100
Fsmash (Hit 2) 24 - 3/2/4 15/15/170 W: 90/50/10 100
Fsmash (Hit 3) 28 - 13/12 361 42 115
Usmash (Early) 15 47 13 83 40 96
Usmash 16-17 - 12/13/13/11 83 40 96/96/96/90
Usmash (Late) 18-19 - 8 60 32 100
Dsmash 8-9 50 4 170/176/160/167 W: 90/120/90/120 97
Dsmash (Hit 2) 21-23 - 12 35 35 94
Grabs Hitbox Active FAF
Standing Grab 7-8 32
Dash Grab 10-11 40
Pivot Grab 11-12 37
Throws Weight Dependent? Base Dmg. (+SD) Angle BKB KBG
Fthrow No 4, 3 49 48 125
Bthrow No 3, 3 38 48 110
Uthrow No 2, 2.5, 4 80 78 97
Dthrow Yes 7 122 40 110
Miscellaneous Intangibility FAF Notes
Spotdodge 3-18 28
Forward Roll 4-15 32
Back Roll 4-15 32
Airdodge 3-28 34

Aerial Moves Hitbox Active FAF Base Dmg. (+SD) Angle BKB/WBKB KBG Landing Lag Autocancel
Nair 5-15 39 8 40 25 100 15 31>
Fair 18-19 54 14/14/13/13 270/60/45/45 20/20/30/30 90/100/83/83 18 1-2, 43>
Fair (Late) 20-25 - 11 45 30 83 - -
Bair 11-13 42 13 361 20 95 14 1-4, 37>
Uair 7-9 45 12 82 42 82 15 26>
Uair (Late) 10-25 - 8.5 82 42 80 - -
Dair 11-13 60 15/13 270/60 10/30 100/105 26 1-4, 43>
Dair (Late) 14-42 - 8 65 80 55 - -

Special Moves Hitbox Active FAF Base Dmg. (+SD) Angle BKB/WBKB KBG
Blade Beam (Windbox) 16-17 61 0 361 40 100
Blade Beam (Grounded) 18-68 - 8 55 38 60
Blade Beam (Grounded, Late) 18-68 - 6 55 38 60
Blade Beam (Aerial) 18-68 - 6.4 55 38 60
Blade Beam (Aerial, Late) 18-68 - 4.8 55 38 60
Limit Blade Beam (Ground, Projectile) 16-58 (Intangible: 10-17) 61 6 55 38 60
Limit Blade Beam (Ground) 1-28 (Rehit rate: 6) - 2 367 W: 40 100
Limit Blade Beam (Ground) 29-30 - 3 48 40 226
Limit Blade Beam (Aerial, Projectile) 16-58 (Intangible: 10-17) 61 4.8 55 38 60
Limit Blade Beam (Aerial) 1-28 (Rehit rate: 6) - 1.6 367 W: 40 100
Limit Blade Beam (Aerial) 29-30 - 2.4 48 40 226
Cross Slash 1 10-11 41 4 75/105/367 30 35/35/40
Cross Slash 2 2-3 32 3 107/78 43 25
Cross Slash 3 (Hit 1) 2-3 56 3 70/290 W: 20/30 100
Cross Slash (Hit 2) 11-12 - 3 77/110 W: 37 100
Cross Slash (Hit 3) 25-26 - 6 50 30 140
Limit Cross Slash (Hit 1) 10-11 (Intangible: 6-11, Cannot Rebound) 61 5 366 W: 80 100
Limit Cross Slash (Hit 2) 15-16 (Cannot Rebound) - 5 366 W: 80 100
Limit Cross Slash (Hit 3) 21-22 (Cannot Rebound) - 3 70/290 W: 14/21 100
Limit Cross Slash (Hit 4) 28 (Cannot Rebound) - 3 77/110 W: 26 100
Limit Cross Slash (Hit 5) 38-39 (Cannot Rebound) - 10 50 30 153
Climhazard (Hit 1) 7 (Cannot Rebound) - 3 40/78/102 W: 80/ 100
Climhazard (Hit 2, Early) 9-10 (Cannot Rebound) - 4 87/96 68 40
Climhazard (Hit 2) 11 (Cannot Rebound) - 4 87/96/90 68/68/98 40
Climhazard (Hit 2, Late) 12-15 (Cannot Rebound) - 4 85/96/90 50/50/70 40
Limit Climhazard (Hit 1) 7-10 (Intangible: 5-12, Cannot Rebound) - 6 40/78/102 W: 80/ 100
Limit Climhazard (Hit 2, Early) 10 (Cannot Rebound) - 7 88 50 135
Limit Climhazard (Hit 2) 11-16 (Cannot Rebound) - 7 88/88/90 50/50/98 110/110/40
Climhazard (Decend) 12- - 4.5 262/45 90/130 25
Climhazard (Landing) 1-2 21 3.5 64 64 128
Limit Break Starts Charging: 6 - - - - -
Limit Break (Charge) Frames to Charge: 400 - - - - -
Finishing Touch (Grounded) 16-17 (Cannot hit more than once/Rebound) 80 1 80 60 417
Finishing Touch (Grounded, Late) 19 (Cannot hit more than once/Rebound) - 1 80 60 390
Finishing Touch (Windbox) 27-31 - 0 361 W: 80 100
Finishing Touch (Aerial) 16-17 (Cannot hit more than once/Rebound) 80 1 80 60 359
Finishing Touch (Aerial, Late) 19 (Cannot hit more than once/Rebound) - 1 80 60 335
Finishing Touch (Aerial, Windbox) 27-31 - 0 361 W: 80 86